Trim video with PryntTrimmerView IOS

Table of contents
- Overview
- What is the PryntTrimmerView?
- How to use PryntTrimmerView?
- Conclude
- Referenced documents or sites
I. Overview
Are you looking to enhance your iOS app with elegant and user-friendly video trimming? We’re here to introduce you to PryntTrimmerView, a powerful Swift library that allows you to easily integrate cropping into your apps. Learn how to create a seamless user experience with step-by-step instructions and code samples!
II. What is the PryntTrimmerView?
PryntTrimmerView is a popular library for iOS that provides a user interface to trim videos easily. It allows users to select a specific portion of a video by dragging the trim handles, and then export that trimmed portion. This is useful when you want to give users the ability to edit and share specific segments of a video.
In addition to those advantages, it also has some disadvantages as they may not completely match the requirements of your project. Customizing the library to suit your needs can be a challenge, depending on the structure of the code.
III. How to use PryntTrimmerView?
1. Install PryntTrimmerView via CocoaPods
If you haven’t installed PryntTrimmerView yet, you can do so via CocoaPods. In your project’s Podfile, add the following line:
Then, run “pod install” in the terminal to install the library.
From now on, open the Xcode workspace file (.xcworkspace) instead of the project file (.xcodeproj) to access your project with the installed library.
2. Import PryntTrimmerView in your ViewController
In the ViewController where you want to use the PryntTrimmerView, import the library:
3. Create a PryntTrimmerView instance
Add a PryntTrimmerView to your view hierarchy. You can do this programmatically or using Interface Builder (Storyboard).
4. Implement the TrimmerViewDelegate
Conform your view controller to the TrimmerViewDelegate protocol to receive updates when the user changes the selected range:
- didChangePositionBar(_ playerTime: CMTime):
This function is called whenever the position bar (playhead) changes its position within the trimmer view. The playerTime parameter represents the updated playback time in CMTime format. You can use this method to update the video preview or any other UI elements that need to respond to the changing playback - positionBarStoppedMoving(_ playerTime: CMTime):
This function is called when the user stops dragging the position bar (playhead) after moving it to a new position. The playerTime parameter represents the final playback time in CMTime format after the user stops dragging. You can perform any final updates or actions based on the new playback time in this method.
- didChangePositionBar(_ playerTime: CMTime):
IV. Conclude
Congratulations! You’ve successfully integrated PryntTrimmerView into your iOS app using CocoaPods and created a layout to host the video trimming functionality. By following the clear steps and sample code provided in this workshop article, you now have the essential knowledge to enable video trimming capabilities in your app. PryntTrimmerView’s versatility and customization options open up exciting possibilities for enhancing user engagement with your app’s video editing features.